Believe in Yourself, You’re All You’ve Got

Throughout all personal development books and seminars, the one defining factor, the one thing that all of your success hinges on is you. That translates into your decisions, attitude, your level of belief in yourself, and your willingness to grow. You can read...

Leaders Always Build Other Leaders

Being able to inspire others is not only an art form, but also the truest test of leadership. A leader knows that he or she has mastered something when they are able to have someone else master it as well. The higher faculties of those we are generally inspired by are...

Tailor Your Environment

Your environment around you may be the most important determining factor of your success. Your environment has the ability to place you in certain states of mind and modify your genes; it sets the tone for your attitude and how you feel. Your environment consists of...

Keep It At 💯

You set the thermostat on your own self worth, so you might as well keep it at 100. Now picture your self worth. Now picture a thermostat. You can allow the opinions of others and outside events to affect your thermostat. Or… you can set the thermostat from the...

A Rising Tide…..

Largely attributed to John F. Kennedy is the aphorism that a rising tide lifts all boats. It has been plugged largely in the context of economics and politics – the macro – but it has significant, career-altering ramifications for the micro – our...