
Why You Need to Ditch Perfectionism

Did you know that perfectionism is a procrastination tactic? This is because it gets in the way of you getting things done. When you’re constantly striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high standards for yourself or others, it slows down your process.  But...

How to Finance Your First Real Estate Investment

Getting started with your first real estate investment is an exciting time – but it can quickly become stressful if you don’t have all the information you need. Truth is there isn’t a “good” or “correct” way to finance your first real estate investments as not...

The Art of Letting Go: Moving On from Bad Deals

In business like in life, only some things go according to plan. For the most part, we invest our resources into fruitful projects and deals. But if things don’t go as planned, our investments may not bring us the return we thought it would. As a result, we take a...

Social Intelligence: What is it and how to maximize it?

Do you ever wonder how some people just have the ability to work a room? Or WHO have the ability to make people feel seen and heard? These are people who have a high level of social intelligence. WHAT IS SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE?  Social intelligence refers to the ability...

Believe in Yourself, You’re All You’ve Got

Throughout all personal development books and seminars, the one defining factor, the one thing that all of your success hinges on is you. That translates into your decisions, attitude, your level of belief in yourself, and your willingness to grow. You can read...

Leaders Always Build Other Leaders

Being able to inspire others is not only an art form, but also the truest test of leadership. A leader knows that he or she has mastered something when they are able to have someone else master it as well. The higher faculties of those we are generally inspired by are...