“Where does the time go?” We have all heard it.
Maybe that’s your daily experience.
Start to look more closely at the composition of your foundation and everything that goes into it: family, fitness, finances, and friendships.
Take an audit of the overall situation of your foundation and get deeply honest with yourself.
What are the habits or people that are actively holding you back and in turn make your foundation less stable?
What are the distracting habits and who are the people that get in your way and throw you off-track?
The history and patterns that you can observe will speak for themselves. Actions always speak louder than words.
It’s easy to get caught in the unconscious patterns of doing the same things for years and the consequential effect will be a less stable foundation. A strong foundation is built on family, fitness, finances, and friendships.
A weak foundation is the result of a lack of focus and an overabundance of distractions.
Focus is critical.
Be aware of the activities and people that you are putting your energy into.
Ask yourself: what is it that is absorbing your attention and making you feel more unsure of yourself and distracted? It could be as trivial as spending too much time on social media or too many nights out during the work week.
The people in our lives that we have the most contact with have the most influence over the trajectory of our lives. Who are you allowing into your daily bubble and how’s the conversation? Is it a positive and cooperative conversation or is it a negative and one-sided conversation?
You are the CEO of your own life. Always know you are in the driver’s seat and it is your downright responsibility to know who to demote and who to promote.
The relationships in our lives will fall into one of two categories. People that help motivate you and support your vision and people that are on a mission to distract you, whether they know it or not.
So promote and demote as you see fit and don’t feel guilty about it. This is your life and it’s not fair to sacrifice your time and energy to outside events and people that are looking to extract your energy or take something from you.
Nobody will do this process of narrowing down your focus for you. It is your responsibility.
We get “one at bat” at this entire life experience so if you haven’t been as productive as you would have liked in your previous few years then read this blog post again and take into consideration the advice being offered and put it into action.
“Distractions destroy action. If it’s not moving you toward your purpose, leave it alone.” -Jermaine Riley